When an Entrepreneur should think about business transformation?

“Businesses, which can operate at the speed of the customer, keep the competitors behind.” – Unknown

Usually there are 3 triggers to think about business transformation.
· To increase Top-line or Market share
· To improve customer satisfaction
· To cut costs & increase bottom-line.

To successfully transform, each business needs a unique strategy that is centered on their customers and the people within the company who get the work done.

Simplest way to start business transformation or Business Process Re-engineering encompasses 3 steps.

  1. Tech transformation
    Investing in the right technologies can help companies deliver meaningful customer outcomes.
  2. Solution transformation
    A solution transformation focuses on addressing a customer’s pain in a holistic way. Simply rethinking how products are built, bundled, and sold to provide a Complete Product or Service Experience.
  3. Data transformation
    As data becomes increasingly vital to business success, companies must create a strategy for organizing, governing, and analyzing their information in various forms.