You don’t really wait for a situation when you are asked to deal with the situation urgently.

This means you respect time and you have always a deadline in your mind.

Most manufacturing industries have a high production rate and have a lot of pending orders in their pipeline and each customer has a unique requirements for their respective order.

Kitting of components has to be done in time due to a commitment given to the Customer since it is a long and complicated process between Sales Order-Kitting-Manufacturing-Painting-Dispatch.

All these processes are interconnected and interdependent.

One bottleneck in purchase or manufacturing can affect the progress of the respective item and all the items that are lined up in the pipeline.

This piles up delay and creates chaos and mayhem in the entire process flow.

SENSE OF URGENCY creates an environment which keeps all the departments on their toes.

This culture makes delay visible and creates a proactive environment which addresses problems quickly instead of being lethargic and procrastinating them.

This practice can help avoid bottlenecks or at least recognize them in time.

Implementation of this concept will clear your pipeline of orders and place your industry ahead of the curve!

An Order in Time saves Nine!